
Apologies for the extended absence. As some of you know, the last 2 years I was working hard at work while rebuilding a new QTH on a tropical island investing all my spare time and resources in it.

Ironically, a week after all the hard work was finished, hurricane Dorian came along and destroyed our QTH and most of the island with 185mph+ winds and 11 feet of storm surge taking hundreds of lives and leaving little behind. All the hard work, gear, personal items, everything, got soaked or carried away by the ocean and whatever survived, got carried away by looters.

Thankfully, I left the island a few days before the storm hit. Whatever was in my carry-on bag with me are the few possessions that survived. Unfortunately, ham radio gear wasn’t.


It will take years (if not a decade) for the life on the island to become normal again (if ever). The current goal is to find a new QTH, regroup, and try to rebuild our lives again.


About va3paw
Ham radio enthusiast, software developer

2 Responses to Shipwrecked

  1. Jim says:

    How awful. At least you and your family are ok. As a fellow ham and sailor, you have my sympathy. Good luck with the rebuild.

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